One fresh and foggy morning I decided to try my luck and let the GPS choose where it wants to take me. So after dropping Jernej off at the kindergarten, I pushed the button for the nearest unknown beach and off we went, me and our little »Mon Chéri« car. Mornings like these create a special atmosphere, they literally force you to go out and explore (if the time and the daily schedule permit, of course). The first stop was Vigdelstranda beach, about 15 km from where we live. I was driving through the countryside, passing modern farms, stone fences and little cottages surrounded by herds of cows and numerous free grazing sheep. Then I reached the end of the headland and suddenly the road seemed to go straight down into the ocean, with less and less land on both sides of the road. I felt like taking off any minute. These amazing landforms are scattered along the entire Norwegian coastline. I read somewhere that if the whole coastline was stretched into a single line, it would circle the planet two and a half times. I felt such a rush of excitement when the astonishing drama of the landscape spread out before me. The only word that came out was “wow” … repeatedly. I drove to the first beach sign and parked the car in a flat and open green landscape, surrounded by some individual hills, bursting with green vegetation of various hues and sizes. A white wooden path lead slightly upwards and when I reached the top, there was this unbelievable awe-inspiring view:

I know that my pictures and descriptions can’t possibly do it justice. One has to personally experience the scenery in its full glory. The elemental beauty and sheer force of the sea were like a magnet, keeping me cemented in the sand while taking in the visual feast and hypnotizing sound in front of me. Some might sense a little exaggeration in these words, but there is no better way for me to describe this sensual peculiarity. And I wanted to put it in words to remember it in a different form than just through pictures. When I turned away to leave for the car, the sand just wouldn’t let me go, so I kept turning back for a new wave of the mystical force. There was no other soul in sight, only me and the warm wind. I went on to discover some other nearby beaches, all unique and magnificent, revealing the dramatic fjord legacy of Norway. I guess that experiences like these might help me understand the real essence of Norway, at least a tiny fragment of it. This might take years or decades and I am really looking forward to all new unexpected discoveries.

Vistestranda (Randaberg)
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